The project involves four research units:
(1) PHARE at Panthéon-Sorbonne University;
(2) NoSoPhi group at Panthéon-Sorbonne University (IJPS CNRS UMR8103);
(3) CAPHI at Rennes and Nantes;
(4) SISSA Interdisciplinary Laboratory.
(1) The scientific coordinator is Laurent Jaffro, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France, Director of PHARE (“Philosophie, histoire et analyse des représentations économiques”, EA7418) at Panthéon-Sorbonne. (2) Magali Bessone, Professor of Political Philosophy at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, former junior member of Institut Universitaire de France, leads the contribution of NoSoPhi (Normes, Sociétés, Philosophies). This subgroup within the Centre de Philosophie Contemporaine de la Sorbonne is affiliated to UMR8103 “Institut des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne”. (3) CAPHI (“Centre Atlantique de Philosophie”, EA7463) contributes under the responsibility of Stéphane Lemaire. (4) A subgroup from the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of the International School of Advanced Study (SISSA) is under the lead of Stefano Canali.